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Our Ministries

Antioch kids
Welcome to Antioch Church, where we strive to create a community of believers who are passionate about living out the teachings of Jesus Christ. At Antioch kids, we believe that children are the future of our church and strive to invest in their spiritual development. Our program is designed to teach foundational Biblical lessons so that children can grow in their faith and know the importance of building a strong relationship with God. We extend this ministry to our parents by offering periodic classes and Christ centered family events to strengthen and equip families as they raise up their youngest Disciples.
Antioch service
At Antioch Church we love our community! We believe we are called to serve the Berryville, Arkansas and the Ozarks with the same love and compassion that Jesus demonstrated. Our desire is that people will not only receive the unconditional love of Jesus, but they will find a place where they can connect and serve. There is a powerful connection to the purposes of God that occurs when the body of Christ begins to serve in the ministry of compassion.
We are committed to helping you find your “Sweet Spot”, that place where you can use your gifts, talents, and abilities to serve others while growing in your own faith and walk with Christ.

Antioch GO
At Antioch Church we are passionate about missions. The namesake of our church comes from the city documented in the book of Acts where the “followers of the way” set up an Apostolic Missions Center to fulfill Jesus’ instruction to the early church to “Go into all the world and preach the Gospel.”
Throughout the years, our church has financially support missionaries around the world, and we continue to be committed to this calling, currently supporting works in Mexico and India. However, we also believe that Jesus has called us to “Go!” and that requires action. We are committed to raising up, developing, and sending out missionaries, as well as providing opportunities for our church body to be active in missions work through short term missions projects at home and away.
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